jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

Postgraduate Studies

A postgraduate course that i would do I think it would be a Magister related to the specialization that I will choose at the end of this year, which is archeology.

The reasons why I want to do this postgraduate course are really easy. The more achievements, titles and / or experience I have on my resume, the easier it will be to get a job that I like and, in the same way, have a good salary that does’t make me worry about things related to money. Another reason would be to be able to specialize in something that calls my attention too much within archeology, and thus acquire more knowledge about many things.

About the subjects, I couldn't talk about these because I still don't know what I want to specialize in specifically. I believe that once I’m finishing my degree, I’ll only have an idea of ​​what I want for my future; I still find that it is too early to decide something about that.

The truth is that I would like to obtain a Master's degree in another country, in order to have the opportunity to know other places and their stories, but if I don't get this opportunity, I think I would try to do it at this same university. I would obviously prefer, as a first option, that this course could be done in a presencial way, but if this coronavirus is still in a bad situation by then, I would have no option and should do it online, unfortunately.

Postgraduate Studies

A postgraduate course that i would do I think it would be a Magister related to the specialization that I will choose at the end of this yea...