sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

What's like to study anthropology?

I study anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile. I chose this career because it is the only one with which I can study archeology, which is the one that has caught my attention since I was younger, like in the way of studying the culture of different societies, the materiality they used, the way of understanding about how they behaved, how they lived together, and more.

Studying this career in years of pandemic I find that it has not been very nice, because being only online, everything that could be face-to-face is lost, like the way of teaching and learning the subjects, meeting my classmates, knowing the faculty of the university, meet my professors, live in Santiago, etc .; adding also the fact that being purely online, people's headaches increase when they spend so much time on the computer watching classes or doing work. Despite knowing certain classmates of my career with whom I do my work and resolve certain doubts, I feel that it is not the same as if I had met them in person, because perhaps the relationships would be totally different.

I just hope that the pandemic ends soon and we can go back to face-to-face classes.

3 comentarios:

  1. It's nice to know someone who is studying this career for the same reason that I, and about online classes, well, I agree with you on everything :/

  2. I agree too, I hope have presencial classes soon, that will be totally different


Postgraduate Studies

A postgraduate course that i would do I think it would be a Magister related to the specialization that I will choose at the end of this yea...