sábado, 24 de abril de 2021

The best holidays ever

The holidays that I consider to be the best I have ever had was when my family (dad, mom and sister) and I went to Arequipa, Peru in February 2020. We spent around 10 days in that city. We stayed in a hotel that was one block from the town square, which allowed us to go from one place to another easier, since most of the things were very close to us. The places we went to were mainly museums, historic houses in that city, restaurants to try the variety of food they have (which cannot be compared to the Peruvian food they sell here in Antofagasta), to the convent of the sisters, the church there, bookstores, and more.

I think those holidays were the best because I had a great time testing new flavors, seeing architecture and history different from the one I see daily in Antofagasta, going to many museums (which is something I really like to do), and also for the time I spent with my family during those days, which was very nice.

3 comentarios:

  1. omg it sounds so nice, i didn't know about the place, it seems so beautiful :)

  2. What a place! Just reading your post made me want to travel to Peru and visit Arequipa.


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