jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

Postgraduate Studies

A postgraduate course that i would do I think it would be a Magister related to the specialization that I will choose at the end of this year, which is archeology.

The reasons why I want to do this postgraduate course are really easy. The more achievements, titles and / or experience I have on my resume, the easier it will be to get a job that I like and, in the same way, have a good salary that does’t make me worry about things related to money. Another reason would be to be able to specialize in something that calls my attention too much within archeology, and thus acquire more knowledge about many things.

About the subjects, I couldn't talk about these because I still don't know what I want to specialize in specifically. I believe that once I’m finishing my degree, I’ll only have an idea of ​​what I want for my future; I still find that it is too early to decide something about that.

The truth is that I would like to obtain a Master's degree in another country, in order to have the opportunity to know other places and their stories, but if I don't get this opportunity, I think I would try to do it at this same university. I would obviously prefer, as a first option, that this course could be done in a presencial way, but if this coronavirus is still in a bad situation by then, I would have no option and should do it online, unfortunately.

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021

My future job

The truth is that I have thought about this for a long time, but I still do not have it 100% clear. I feel that I would rather work in the field than be teaching, or locked in an office; I would like to find many artifacts, study the sites, their history, work with more people who have other specialties than mine to complement our work, etc.

I feel that traveling would be necessary if I want to achieve the objectives that I have, either finding and/or studying things around the country, or outside of it; as I said in a blog before, the main country I would like to travel to, obviously if I was given the opportunity, would undoubtedly be Egypt, in order to study about its culture, heritage, history, beliefs and more. Speaking of salary, the truth is that this would not affect much, but still I would like to work in something that pays well so I do not have worries and stay calm.

So far I am studying Anthropology at the University of Chile, but as of next semester I would be taking elective subjects that as "the initiation" to the specialization of Archeology, which is the specialty that most attracts my attention within the career; thus, once I finish these subjects in the next semester, I would be "officially" studying to specialize in Archeology.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

What's like to study anthropology?

I study anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile. I chose this career because it is the only one with which I can study archeology, which is the one that has caught my attention since I was younger, like in the way of studying the culture of different societies, the materiality they used, the way of understanding about how they behaved, how they lived together, and more.

Studying this career in years of pandemic I find that it has not been very nice, because being only online, everything that could be face-to-face is lost, like the way of teaching and learning the subjects, meeting my classmates, knowing the faculty of the university, meet my professors, live in Santiago, etc .; adding also the fact that being purely online, people's headaches increase when they spend so much time on the computer watching classes or doing work. Despite knowing certain classmates of my career with whom I do my work and resolve certain doubts, I feel that it is not the same as if I had met them in person, because perhaps the relationships would be totally different.

I just hope that the pandemic ends soon and we can go back to face-to-face classes.

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

Let's talk about the pandemic

The existence of this pandemic was unexpected for many people who did not give it the right importance at the time, making it exist until today.

Undoubtedly, its emergence has brought many consequences, such as an increase in the number of people with anxiety, endless lines in supermarkets and pharmacies (something that can really affect someone who need certain things urgently), the decrease in activities that someone can do to be distracted, and so many more.

It has also brought many changes in our lives, such as having face-to-face classes to having purely online classes, being able to be close to people to maintain a meter of distance with them, or to spend outside the house doing different things to be all the time in it.

I think that people just for a while longer will continue to wear masks or maintain social distance, because once this pandemic "goes out of style" or diminishes its importance around the world, people will no longer worry about these things and will return to their previous life, without fully protecting themselves against other viruses that could arise.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2021

The best holidays ever

The holidays that I consider to be the best I have ever had was when my family (dad, mom and sister) and I went to Arequipa, Peru in February 2020. We spent around 10 days in that city. We stayed in a hotel that was one block from the town square, which allowed us to go from one place to another easier, since most of the things were very close to us. The places we went to were mainly museums, historic houses in that city, restaurants to try the variety of food they have (which cannot be compared to the Peruvian food they sell here in Antofagasta), to the convent of the sisters, the church there, bookstores, and more.

I think those holidays were the best because I had a great time testing new flavors, seeing architecture and history different from the one I see daily in Antofagasta, going to many museums (which is something I really like to do), and also for the time I spent with my family during those days, which was very nice.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2021

A country I would like to visit

The country I would like to go to is Egypt, because of the language, the patrimony they have as a country, how they study and take care of it, and also the religion they have, which believes in many gods, such like Osiris, Anubis, Isis, and many more.

I know that in that culture the period of the pharaohs stands out a lot, and that is why I would like to visit (even if I see this from afar) the pyramids and tombs that have existed since that period, in addition to being able to see the hieroglyphs that these have, in order to learn more about them and enrich my knowledge about their culture.

If I had the opportunity to work there studying and analyzing the pyramids, the hieroglyphs and the rest, the truth is that I would not doubt it even once and I would go, because this would be a once in a lifetime experience and opportunity, which would help me too much progress in my work and expanding my knowledge.

Postgraduate Studies

A postgraduate course that i would do I think it would be a Magister related to the specialization that I will choose at the end of this yea...